What’s the meaning of your life? WHY do you get out of bed in the morning? WHERE are you are going? HOW are you are going to get there? Are you really living life to the fullest?
Are you like most people? Do you struggle to answer these questions? In my experience, what most people want is control over their lives. They want freedom! Meaning they want the ability to choose how they live: what work they do, how they interact with friends and colleagues, the quality of their personal relationships, how they can serve more, and how they think about themselves. Some even argue if they had this sort of control over their lives, then they’d more likely have some to time to work out the meaning of their lives!
And herein lies the paradox…
It’s only by taking the time and effort to discover your true purpose that you will begin to gain the control over your life that you crave! You see, once you know your true purpose, you will also know how you want to live. This includes knowing what work you want to do and knowing which people you want and don’t want in your life. And most importantly, who you really are and who you will become.
The hardest part is the thinking
Some people will know the hardest part of this job is taking the time to stop and THINK about how you would like your life to be. Once you do this, you’ll be amazed by the abundance of resources that will be there to help you. From books and CDs, right through to people and organisations all happy to help you create a more meaningful life.
In my experience, the three main keys to achieving your purpose is to discover your true motivation, your true vision, and to then work on a plan for making sure these needs are met. In plain English, develop clarity around where you want to go, why you want to go there and how you’re going to get there.
I’m not going to pretend it can be done overnight, but from personal experience I thoroughly recommend the journey. In my case, as I worked through the THINKING required, I slowly but surely discovered my purpose; ‘success and significance’.
Now together with the philosophy of ‘Give. Take. Invest. Enjoy.’, my whole life has more meaning, and I have a framework for controlling the overall quality of my life.
What is your life’s purpose? Do you have a clear and exciting vision for your future? And a plan to make it real? If you’re not happy with your own answers to these questions, when do you plan to develop new ones? (Remember, you can do it!)
To success and significance. Give. Take. Invest. Enjoy.