You CAN Do It!

By Colin Clapp

What’s stopping you enjoying the pleasure that would come with crossing the Progress Gap so you can live life to the fullest as a freedom preneur?

Even though I may not know you personally, I can pretty much assure you the answer is linked to some form of pain, i.e. any trepidation in your thought processes is associated with you experiencing more pain than pleasure if you take an achievement step towards crossing your progress gap. I will come back to pain and pleasure at various other times but today I just want to remind you of how mundane the act of achievement really is!

  • 50 years ago, I couldn’t walk.  Today, a crooked back aside, I’m now just as good at it as the next man!
  • 45 years ago, I couldn’t read a book. I now plough through scores of books a year, and even better, I understand most of them!
  • 33 years ago, I couldn’t drive a car. Now I’ve lost count of the amount of cars of which I’ve been behind the wheel.
  • 30 years ago, I couldn’t snowboard. Now when I hit the snowfields, I go through gates marked “expert only”! (I’ll leave others to judge whether or not I should be doing so!)
  • 10 years ago, I couldn’t dance. Some would say I still can’t! But a little while after I got into Ceroc, I took part in a team dance routine that was performed in front of 1000 people at a local theatre in Christchurch, New Zealand. (If you’re interested, feel free to check out our efforts here. I’m the guy top left in the video/back right of stage).
  • Five years ago, I didn’t have any first-hand parenting skills. Now I get to spend several days a week with my daughter and love the time we have together.
  • (And the list goes on! Now we are a digital nomad family both Elly and I are learning to use the digital nomad tools we need to support our decision of living life by design and earning location independent income. For example, SEO solutions that help this website be found by search engines).

The point is all these relatively mundane achievements demonstrate our ability to continue learning and executing new skills at any point in our lives. It all comes down to desire and having a purpose. Remember that personal growth is a natural state. “If you’re green you grow. If you’re ripe, you rot.”

If you have the inspiration and motivation to be living life by design, rest assured you have the ability. At this point the “HOW” is not important. The teacher will invariably show up when the student is ready.

For now, all you have to remember is that with some energy and effort, YOU HAVE learned new skills before and you WILL learn new skills again. That’s right. You CAN do it! You can be a freedom prenuer!

Make a decision TODAY to ‘Be, Do and Have’ all that is important to you and take a step through your progress gap as soon as possible.

You CAN do it!

To success and significance. Give. Take. Invest. Enjoy.


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About the Author Colin Clapp
Chief responsibility and joy is being a loving and supportive partner and dad. If I mess this up, (as I do from time to time), I do my best to learn and grow. My blogs and vlogs are one way to help me do that. You can also find me helping other bloggers to 'Make Friends with Google' (aka SEO) at

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