When life is challenging us, it is important to recognise and appreciate the wins, however small they may seem. Especially if your stresses and strains seem never ending!
Under pressure
We’re definitely feeling a lot of pressure right now. We love living where we are and we are enjoying our minimalism.
But we’re still finding our feet when it comes to making money online and that shows up in our bank accounts. And, as many people know, financial pressures are often the ones that cause a lot of stresses.
So I need to remind myself that, I can still appreciate the little things and enjoy our wins. For example, yesterday was a ‘daddy-daughter’ day, something that my three-year old little princess and I, currently, get to have at least twice a week.
As a parent, that alone is something I am eternally grateful for.
A gratitude environment
As we often do, we just hung out. We ate breakfast together, we watered the plants we’re babysitting at the moment and we ate a second breakfast which she helped me prepare.
We contemplated the day ahead and, amongst the usual “ride my scooter” and “go for a swim”, we agreed we’d put the training wheels back on her bike (another story for another day!)
We chose to live where we do because within walking distance (even inside the apartment complex), there is plenty for us to do. On reflection, this is our gratitude environment. We knew it would be tough to build this new life so it was important we lived somewhere where we could at least enjoy some simple life pleasures without needing to break the bank.
Gratitude moments are everywhere
Regular followers will already know our love of being able to spend time in the pool most days is one of the biggest highlights of our new life.
When it comes to pool-time, Little Miss seems to grow in confidence and skills every time we take a dip.
There is no doubt about it now – she can definitely swim (and I don’t mean doggie paddle)! Yesterday, I watched her swim a full width (5m maybe) of the pool all on her own. Even looked up for a breath while doing what closely looked like breaststroke to me!
It’s amazing to watch and I am so grateful for those moments. We had pool cuddles, did some diving and underwater play, then decided we’d get out to fix the bike.
Once up and running on the bike (which she hasn’t used since we took the training wheels off a couple of months ago), we were away again. Off to the small park that runs the length of our apartment complex.
After not seeing her on her bike for so long, it was lovely to see her pedalling away. I have to remember it’s still foreign to her and take joy in the progress she makes. And not to get frustrated when she chooses to let me carry the bike instead!
There is a security gate we pass through on the way to the park and all the guards take great pleasure in hearing Little Miss say their names. Sometimes, she chooses not to, but it’s a little game that keeps us all amused and it helps us feel more like locals.
Yesterday, we learned the name of a guard we’d seen before but not got to know. After a few moments practicing pronunciation, he goes inside and, out of the blue, returns with a box of chocolates that he took pleasure in placing inside the basket of Little Miss’ biket! Thank you Tan! Elly will be very happy with this little surprise too!
Laughing and vacuuming
The rest of the day was pretty mundane, and included some vacuuming and a visit to the onsite shop between some reading, having a bath and getting the dinner ready. The day was ‘peaceful’, (different from ‘quiet!’) with no ‘threenager’ tantrums and we got to laugh as well as kiss and cuddle as we usually do.
Again, I need to remind myself how special this part of my life is.
Bonus wins
Meanwhile, Elly started the day with the exciting and positive news that she’d landed a new mentoring client! Of course one small client isn’t going to change our financial fortunes, but it’s validation of the business model and is a stepping stone to bigger things.
Once more, I need to remind myself that this is a special moment we should be grateful for. One that we can build on that we couldn’t do this time last week.
Small wins, small steps. They are all part of the journey and despite all the stresses and strains we continue to punch on onwards and upwards.
Winter will pass
We need to remember we have more to look forward to than we have to regret.
So wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, if you’re experiencing one of life’s ‘winters’, remember you can always build snowmen and enjoy the moment.
Winter will pass, spring will come and the sun will shine again. The snowman will melt, but the memories will last…