Success & Significance | Give. Take. Invest. Enjoy.

This credo ‘Success & Significance | Give. Take. Invest. Enjoy.’ is effectively Colin’s purpose for life and business.

Life is a team game and by practicing and embracing this purpose I get to BE, DO and HAVE all that is encompassed in the balanced VISION I have for living the rest of my life as well as, more importantly, helping others to Be, Do and Have all that is important to them too.

Ultimately, it is the mission of Success and Significance underpinned by a philosophy of Give. Take. Invest. Enjoy. that drives me to live and work a balanced life founded on raising standards, building better quality relationships and making a positive contribution to both my local and global community.

Success & Significance

Success is simply defined as the setting and achieving of future goals designed to raise standards; i.e. creating the future you desire by continually pushing yourself across all areas of your life.

Significance is simply defined as ensuring any perceived individual success is acknowledged and shared as part of building better quality relationships and making a positive contribution to our modern day world.


“You make a living out of what you get. You make a life out of what you give.” – Winston Churchill

Giving provides the opportunity to makes one’s life more meaningful by making a contribution to improving the life of another, even if only for a fleeting moment. Giving provides the opportunity to enjoy an emotional high. “Give” is about looking for opportunities to give unconditionally.

“You can have anything you want in life, as long as you are prepared to help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar


Acknowledging the benefits of giving, it is important to know how to take, or accept being a worthy recipient. This is important because it allows others to feel that same emotional high when they choose to give to you. Whether it be a compliment, a gift, an experience, an opportunity, or whatever, sometimes all that is needed is for the recipient to ‘take the moment’ and say nothing more than “thank you”. This includes during times of adversity. During these times, it is important to recognize ‘the opportunity’ and take it with both hands!


Invest in everything you can! Invest in yourself; your mind, your body and your spiritual well being. Invest in your relationships; with loved ones, with friends, with family, with strangers and with the community around you. Invest in your professional wellbeing; in your ideas, in your business; with customers, with suppliers, with staff and associates and with the community around it. Invest whatever resources you have; invest your time, invest your mental and physical resources and invest your money. The more you invest in all of these things, the more you will profit from them.


Living your life just giving, taking and investing is an ongoing challenge. It can be hard work and extremely draining on your resources. Hence the need to enjoy yourself whenever you can. Developing and indulging your passions provides the rejuvenation that fuels the giving, taking and investing. Of course, if you develop and indulge a passion for giving, taking and investing, then you’re in for a very enjoyable life indeed!

To success and significance. Give. Take. Invest. Enjoy.

Life By Country Calculator Chart

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'Kids % of Life by Country Calculator'

Use your kids passports and a simple spreadsheet to calculate what percentage of their life your children have spent in different countries! Complete with graphs!