The Parenting, Passports and Profits ‘Pop-Up’ Podcast

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June 2019 UPDATE!

We confess getting podcast content up and running on a regular basis has been challenging! However, we have started embracing Facebook Lives and YouTube so you’ll find a lot more audio/visual content there.


You can access our latest YouTube content right here on the website via our PPP TV page, or in YouTube directly.

Facebook videos

Alternatively, you can find all our Facebook videos here.

Initial podcast episodes (we promise more are coming!)

Podcast #2 | (15ish months later!) We’re live on iTunes!

Yay! Excited to finally overcame some life and technical challenges to get our live podcast feed successfully submitted to iTunes! Listen as Colin explains the 15 month gap(!) between episode 1 (January 2017) to episode 2 (May 2018)!

Digital nomad family vlog | 3-month progress update

Listen or watch as Colin gives you a 3-month update on the family’s ‘Parenting/Passport/Profit’ digital nomad journey. Includes a summary of how we feel we are progressing in relation to the three categories of Parenting, Passports and Profits! If you’re an aspiring digital nomad, please feel free to ask questions. We are more than be happy to share anything about our experiences to date.

PPP Podcast #1 | You’ve got to start somewhere!

Colin’s first thoughts and attempt to get our podcast live. It’s very raw, didn’t use any special equipment and leaves a lot of room for improvement. Plus the audio file cuts off before he has a chance to say “thank you. But we decided that sharing the file as it was recorded is in keeping with our digital nomad journey. We promise the show will get better!

Like what you’ve heard so far? Want to hear more? Or be on the show?

We know… we’ve only just started getting the content available! But if you can spare 30-seconds to leave a review and rating on iTunes, it would really help the show’s ranking and encourage us to keep going!

Want to share your own story? Awesome! We’d love to hear it!

Life By Country Calculator Chart

Fun Family Download

'Kids % of Life by Country Calculator'

Use your kids passports and a simple spreadsheet to calculate what percentage of their life your children have spent in different countries! Complete with graphs!