Night Hiking – Elly’s Mission to Conquer Mount Kendurung, Malaysia

By Colin Clapp

Listen and watch as Elly prepares, packs and partakes in a stop-start adventure of night-hiking hiking Mount Kenderung / Gunung Kendorong in Malaysia. This was a 24-hour trip with a bunch of people she had never met before and was far from risk-free. In more ways than one!

If you prefer to read the story, you can check it out here.

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About the Author Colin Clapp
Chief responsibility and joy is being a loving and supportive partner and dad. If I mess this up, (as I do from time to time), I do my best to learn and grow. My blogs and vlogs are one way to help me do that. You can also find me helping other bloggers to 'Make Friends with Google' (aka SEO) at

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